2017.04.05., How Websites Can Identify You By Your Browser Extensions and Web Logins
2017.01.10., Re-identification explanation and an intuitive in-browser demo for social networks
2016.12.19., Interesting film of an iPhone that was made stolen
2016.06.01., Use kmap to visualize anonymity/uniqueness in your data
2016.04.06., TracEmail: know who else might read your mails!
2016.03.17., Last Week Tonight Show (HBO): Encryption
2016.03.02., Where is privacy in the advertising wars?
2016.02.23., On the impact of machine learning (on privacy)
2016.02.11., MyTrackingChoices: An attempt to end the AdBlock war
2016.01.28., New privacy awareness raising website: webbug.eu
2016.01.17., Re-addressing fundamental issues of practical privacy technology
2015.12.21., LocationGuard and the anonymity paradox
2015.11.30., Update your TOR Browser settings – otherwise it’s less anonymous than you’d think
2015.10.16., Predicting anonymity with neural networks
2015.08.18., Predicting anonymity with machine learning in social networks
2015.07.21., Device fingerprinting by font-rendering differences
2015.07.13., The Tor Project is looking for an Executive Director!
2015.07.08., Two doctoral studentships available at Oxford
2015.06.11., PhD and postdoc positions at Leuven University
2015.05.13., New doctoral dissertation on anonymity
2014.10.31., Funny: Invasion of the Data Snatchers
2014.10.13., Handbook on Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies
2014.05.27., Security/Privacy PhD position at the University of Regensburg
2014.04.18., Know the price of your privacy!
2014.04.13., The Data Retention Directive is invalid
2014.03.25., Best Practices and Best Technologies: an Overview
2014.03.11., Need of anonimity II. – Rock privacy in 8 easy steps!
2014.02.12., Need of anonimity I. – How to rock privacy
2013.09.30., Tracking users on the web – reaching your devices and beyond
2013.08.26., Preventing misuses and misapprehensions of FireGloves
2013.06.25., Living in Surveillance Societies
2013.03.08., More than 70 leading European academics are taking a position
2012.01.15., For Human Eyes Only!
2011.10.21., Report on privacy issues in online social networks
2011.08.17., Postdoctoral position in privacy-enhancing technologies - start date is negotiable
2011.07.23., More than 20 PhD scholarships in Darmstadt!
2011.07.18., BrowserID criticism: "constructively negative comments" requested
2011.07.18., Upcoming article: BlogCrypt: Private Content Publishing on the Web
2011.07.11., The database of honest people
2011.01.16., Upcoming event: DON’T LET THEM KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU!
2011.01.14., Updated article: What Do IT Professionals Think About Surveillance?
2010.11.29., PhD position in Leuven
2010.11.18., The 24-hour hacker contest turns international at Budapest